
Volxbibel im TV

RBB brachte einen kurzen Beitrag über die Volxbibel und die Jesus Freaks. Den könnt ihr hier nachlesen und anschauen. (via Weckdienst)

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1 Kommentare:

Am 1/18/2006 04:51:00 PM schrieb Anonymous Anonym

Hi there,

I hope you'll forgive the comment in English.... although i understand some German, chances are things will go a lot faster if i don't try to use it in a blog comment.

Anyway, i just happened upon your journal (via a Technorati search) because of your mention of Jesus Freaks. I met a guy, i think his name was Axel, from the leadership of JF at Cornerstone a couple of years ago. I was very impressed at how God has been working in the underground there!

I'm sure i'll find out as i read your blog, but are you involved with JF? Just from the few posts i read, your blog looks pretty interesting.




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